signature programs
My proven business blueprint is 10+ years in the making…
and it’s built off of timeless marketing strategies and business practices that I put in place years ago–and they still work today to bring in consistent sales in my business, no algorithm hacking required.
Pricing Masterclass
This easy-to-implement masterclass teaches you exactly how to price your semi-custom wedding collection–including my Plug-and-Play Pricing Calculator and my complete vendor guide–so you can ditch the overwhelm of figuring it out on your own.
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Etsy School for Stationers
The only course that shows you how to create and market a successful semi-custom wedding collection on Etsy in just 30 days. I’ve packaged up my entire playbook that allowed me to reach six figures on Etsy, and now it’s yours!
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Concept to Collection
The only course that shows you how to design and run a successful semi-custom wedding stationery collection. For total beginners & established stationers who want to expand their brand’s reach and reach their full potential.
get on the waitlist >>
Hey, there! I’m Valerie–a South Alabama wife & mom of two, decade-long stationer, and multi-six figure entrepreneur.
I’m obsessed with helping stationers like you achieve success in their business through sharing a simple, step-by-step strategy, without the stress and overwhelm of figuring it all out on your own.